Our next dinner of the season is coming up soon: Monday, November 4, 2024 at the Hall of Flowers in Golden Gate Park. Space is limited (we must adhere strictly to City code limitations) so go NOW to the "Members Only" area of mssf.org and follow the prompts there to register for the dinner. Theme: "Taco NIght."
MSSF Culinary Group November Dinner: Taco Night"
Dinner Captain: Dominic Butler-Parker
Date: Monday, November 4, 2024: 6pm - 9pm
(Appetizers and brief Culinary Group business meeting before the main meal.)
Where: Hall of Flowers (aka County Fair Bldg.)
9th Avenue & Lincoln Way; Golden Gate Park; San Francisco
Dinner Fee: $20; guests $25; kids 1/2 price
(To register, go to the "Members Only" area of mssf.org, and follow the prompts there. When registering, please check "pay at event" and ignore other payment options. Payment at the event only: cash or check.)