Calendar of Events - Mycological Society of San Francisco
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Our next dinner of the season is coming up soon:  April 7, 2025. Space is limited -- so go NOW to the "Members Only" area of, and follow the prompts there to register for the dinner. Theme: "Sagra dei Funghi di Primavera" (Spring Mushroom Culinary Celebration)

MSSF Culinary Group April Dinner: "Sagra dei Funghi di Primavera" 
Dinner Captains: Paul Bergamaschi & Andy Still
Date: Monday, April 7, 2025: 530pm - 930pm
            (Appetizers and brief Culinary Group business meeting before the main meal.)
Dinner Fee: $20; guests $25; kids 1/2 price. Payment at the event only: cash or check.
To register, go to the "Members Only" area of, and follow the prompts there.
     (If you are in the "Members Only" area now, the prompts begin with the "Register For This Event" button below. When registering, please check "pay at event" on the final screen, and ignore other payment options.)

Main Dish: "Costine di Manzo Brasate con Ragù di Funghi Misti su Polenta ai Funghi Trombette Nere"
     (Braised Beef Short Ribs and Mixed Mushroom Ragù on Polenta with Black Trumpet Mushrooms)
Vegetarian Main: "Ragù di Funghi Misti su Polenta ai Funghi Trombette Nere"
       (Mixed Mushroom Ragù on Polenta with Black Trumpet Mushrooms)
Side Dish #1: "Asparagi con funghi shiitake" (Asparagus with shiitake mushrooms)
Side Dish #2: "Insalata mista" (Mixed salad)
Dessert: "Dolcetti di Primavera" (Cupcakes in Spring flavors)
Coffee & Tea

APPETIZERS: Everyone is encouraged to bring an appetizer (preferably one containing mushrooms) for sharing with the Group before the main meal. As with all Culinary Group dinners, you must bring with you: table covering, dishes, cutlery, and beverage of choice (plus a container for carrying home dirty dishes and any leftovers); these are not provided.

Please do NOT register for or attend this event if you either (1) are not fully vaccinated against covid-19, or (2) are feeling unwell or experiencing any cold or covid symptom on the day of the event. 

MUSHROOM I.D. TABLE: The Culinary Group shares fully in MSSF's educational mission. Please bring a freshly-foraged mushroom sample from the forest (or your yard) to place on our Group's regular Mushroom I.D. Table, where the more experienced mycologists among us will be helping the newbies learn how to spot the edibles and avoid the "loose your lunch bunch."  (Don't worry -- they won't go in the soup!)

Problems? Call Paul Lufkin (415-515-1593) or Maria Pham (415-305-3316), Culinary Group co-Chairs.

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4/7/20255:30pm to 9:30pm

This event is NOT sponsored by MSSF.
Please go to the link below for more information from the group who is hosting the event.

2nd Tuesday, September - May

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4/8/20255:00pm to 7:00pm

Agaricus hondensisOn the third Tuesday of each month from September thru May, the Mycological Society of San Francisco hosts a General Meeting open to Members and the public.  The Society has maintained our schedule of events using electronic media, Zoom, to meet and share our mission to educate about the kingdom of Fungi.

In-person meeting at the Randall Museum
Doors open at 6:30pm
Hospitality hour and ID of mushroom specimens in the Buckley Room.
At 7:20pm everyone moves to the Theater. General meeting and Zoom session start at 7:30pm.
First Announcements are made followed by the featured presentation of the evening and attendee questions.
We wind up at 8:30pm, people are able-bodied help stack chairs;
the room needs to be cleared by 9:00.

General meetings are open to the public.

Talk Title: Exotic Mushroom Cultivation

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4/15/20256:30pm to 9:00pm[Zoom Phone] +16699006833,,89184389640/#,,,,*608192#

This event is NOT sponsored by MSSF.
Please go to the link below for more information from the group who is hosting the event.

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4/16/20257:00pm to 9:30pm

This event is NOT sponsored by MSSF.
Please go to the link below for more information from the group who is hosting the event.

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4/17/20256:00pm to 9:30pm

This event is NOT sponsored by MSSF.
Please go to the link below for more information from the group who is hosting the event.

The LAMS meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month, October through May (mushroom season), except for February.

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4/21/20256:30pm to 9:30pm

This event is NOT sponsored by MSSF.
Please go to the link below for more information from the group who is hosting the event.

2nd Tuesday, September - May

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5/13/20255:00pm to 7:00pm

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